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Journal of Legal Studies 1 – No Fault Divorce Proposed


  • Format: Softcover
  • Length: 72 pages
  • Publisher: Oak Brook College of Law, 1993
  • Dimensions: 9 1/4″, 6″, 1/4″

2 in stock

SKU: JLS1 Category:


In the years prior to no-fault divorce, the United States operated under a system of divorce regulations which sought to punish evil and reward good. When a divorce was filed, fault was established, and custody and alimony were awarded accordingly. However, human nature and a corrupt court system undermined the original intent of the fault system. This new and convenient method of divorce was built on the presupposition that any hindrance to speedy divorce for “irreconcilable” marriages was simply a delay of the inevitable. An objective review of the past twenty years of no-fault divorce in the United States is now necessary. Has it accomplished what its authors claimed it would, or has it raised new problems they did not foresee? Read about these proposed solutions to a national tragedy!

Additional information

Weight 0.205 kg
Dimensions 23.495 × 15.24 × 0.635 cm


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