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Best Messages of 2013 (DVD)


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SKU: DC2013K Categories: ,


There are only two reasons why we do not live in victory: either we do not know the truth or we are not applying it. This powerful set of messages from our 2013 regional conferences will inspire and encourage you as you learn how to live in daily victory, conquer discouragement, and identify the powerful weapons that God has given to us. Discover how to live in victory every day!

2–volume, 30–DVD set
IBLP Publications

Timothy Barr Timothy Barr

  • Preparations for Victory · 21 min · Big Sandy
Gil and Kelly Bates Gil Bates

  • Good Kids vs. Godly Kids · 61 min · Indianapolis
  • The High Price of a Sensual Girl · 52 min · Indianapolis
Jason and David Benham Jason and David Benham

  • The Faithfulness of the Bus Boy · 35 min · Sacramento
  • How Business Bears the Gospel · 52 min · Big Sandy
Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar

  • Keys to Developing a Ministry Mindset in Your Family · 46 min · Nashville
David Gibbs, Jr. David Gibbs, Jr.

  • Strengthen My Hands · 39 min · Indianapolis
  • Whatever You Do Will Prosper · 43 min · Indianapolis
  • Wisdom From Above · 36 min · Big Sandy
Tom Harmon Tom Harmon

  • Coaching for Young Victors · 48 min · Big Sandy
  • Invincible Weapons That Guarantee Daily Victory · 55 min · Big Sandy
  • True and False Grace · 56 min · Big Sandy
Chris Hogan Chris Hogan

  • Courage in the Midst of Failure: Turn a Test Into a Testimony · 57 min · Sacramento
  • Courage to be Vulnerable: Turn a Trial Into a Triumph · 40 min · Big Sandy
  • Courage When I Offend Others: Turn a Mess Into a Message · 56 min · Indianapolis
  • Courage When I am Offended: From Victim to Victory · 63 min · Nashville
Otto Koning Otto Koning

  • Victory Through Authority–Part 1 · 52 min · Indianapolis
  • Victory Through Authority–Part 2 · 46 min · Indianapolis
Jamie Lash Jamie Lash

  • Christ Our Righteousness · 56 min · Indianapolis
  • The New Creature · 41 min · Indianapolis
  • How Sin Is Overcome–Romans 6 · 60 min · Indianapolis
  • How Sin Is Overcome–Romans 7 · 62 min · Indianapolis
Roger Magnuson Roger Magnuson

  • How to Cause Satan to Flee From Us · 59 min · Big Sandy
  • How to Make Your Intellect Your Servant–Not Your Master · 32 min · Big Sandy
David Rogers David Rogers

  • Five Qualities Essential for Success · 47 min · Nashville
  • How One Man Can Change History · 42 min · Indianapolis
Paul and Jenny Speed Paul and Jenny Speed

  • Breaking Complacency: Living Boldly · 37 min · Big Sandy
  • How Coming to Freedom is Just the Beginning · 38 min · Sacramento
Don Staddon Don Staddon

  • The Power of Music · 39 min · Indianapolis


BONUS DVD! David Rogers · Message to Garcia · 11 min

Additional information

Weight 1.248 kg


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