Hundreds of fathers gathered in Indianapolis for electrifying preaching, eye-opening teaching, and practical instruction on how to bond with sons and daughters. Now on DVD, the “A Father’s Treasures” conference package contains the insights and counsel from each speaker on how to raise a Godly family for the Lord. As you discover how to guard your loved ones from the encroaching influences of “Amalek,” you can lead a dynamic, vibrant family as a joyful light for the gospel of Jesus Christ!
Includes conference workbook (additional workbooks available for purchase).
Doug Small
- Principles of Powerful Prayer (65 min.)
Bill Gothard
- Prevailing Over Amalek (27 min.)
- How to Bond with Sons and Daughters (17 min.)
- How to Write Life Changing Letters (25 min.)
- Train Up a Child (13 min.)
Robert Rohlin
- Lessons from the Olive Tree (60 min.)
Chris Hogan
- Zero to Hero (82 min.)
Doug Small
- Entertaining God (64 min.)
BONUS! Promo DVD! (2 min.)
Multi-Session DVD Conference Package
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